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Updated: Oct 28, 2024

strands of DNA

This is an incredibly exciting time for advocates and users of NAD+ as we are seeing a dramatic increase in studies and research related to NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) supplementation. Not only that, but all of the results from these studies seemingly show nothing but positive and impactful results!

I specifically want to present a few study recaps and highlights that were discussed at last year's Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) Meeting.

Below you will find two clinical trials that showed NMN improved blood pressure and heart function in humans.

A randomized control trial evaluated the effect of NMN supplementation on cardiovascular function in individuals with high blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure were divided into two groups:
1. NMN Group: 800mg of NMN daily with lifestyle modifications
2. Lifestyle Mod Group: Lifestyle modifications only

As you can see in the graph above, at the start of the study, both groups had similar NAD+ levels. After six weeks, the NMN Group (red line) showed a 43% increase in NAD+ levels, whereas there were no significant changes seen in the group that made only lifestyle modifications without supplementation (blue line).

According to the study, "NAD+ boosting therapy with nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplement reduced blood pressure and ameliorated vascular dysfunction in hypertensive patients."

Study findings:
1. Low NAD+ levels in the blood were associated with high blood pressure.
2. CD38, a molecule that breaks down NAD+, was elevated in the main blood vessel of people with high blood pressure.

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) Studies

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) has recently become one of the most studied nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors, due to its numerous potential health benefits mediated via elevated NAD+ content in the body.

This NR study revealed improvements in lipid levels in the serum and liver, enhanced glucose metabolism, and prevented weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet.

This study showed that NR protected mice from alcohol-induced damage to the intestinal lining.

High-dose NR (3,00o mg/day) was determined to be safe and didn't deplete methyl pools, according to this study on patients with Parkinson's Disease.


To investigate the effects of NAD+ levels on aging, Dr. Eduardo Chini and other researchers developed a mouse model in which young mice have tissue NAD+ levels comparable to those typically observed in older mice.
1. Mice with low NAD+ levels exhibit features of aging similar to older mice (hair discoloration, increased frailty, osteoporosis, eye disease).
2. There are 159 genes that change in the same way with aged mice and with mice that have low NAD+ levels.

Insights from research at Dr. Joe Baur's laboratory:
Researchers have identified a transporter (slc25A51) responsible for moving NAD+ into the mitochondria. They increased the levels of slc25A51 in the liver regeneration mouse model.

1. This enhanced recovery and regeneration of the liver.
2. The effect was similar to what was observed after NR supplementation.

CD38 degrades NMN and regulates NAD+ levels: 

The accumulation of the NAD+-degrading enzyme, CD38, plays a key role in the age-related decline of NAD+ levels.

Research shows that CD38 degrades NMN even more than NAD+, and that controlling NMN availability has a significant effect on NAD+ levels.

These are just a small handful of recent studies pertaining to the power and efficacy of NAD+ supplementation. As you have read and heard us preach before, NAD+ should be a vital component of any and every anti-aging or wellness protocol.

For more information or to schedule a FREE consultation today with a member of our medical team, fill out our contact form HERE.



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