Genetic Testing, also know as Methylation Testing, provides you with the most comprehensive snapshot of your body’s health. Through this type of testing, we area able to see what specific enzymes are affected by your genetic makeup further allowing us to assess whether or not your body is running the way it’s supposed to. With these results, we are able to eliminate all guesswork in regards to optimizing your body's function. It’s an easy, straightforward genetic test that allows you to find out whether or not you’re having issues with your methylation cycle.
And the best part? You only have to take this test once & you have your results for life!
Methylation is a chemical process that happens billions of times per second in every cell of the body. Methyl groups are transferred and donated between many different molecules which change their structure and function. Methyl groups act like billions of switches which turn genes on or off, help regulate mood, detoxify hormones, produce energy, and promote healthy aging.
Vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from the diet are needed to keep this process running smoothly. There are also genetic factors and oxidative stressors which can affect how well this pathway works.
Methylation is needed to create DNA and RNA and regulate gene expression. It helps make creatine, which is needed for skeletal muscle contraction. Methylation is involved in basic energy production, fat metabolism, immune responses, vascular health, and cell membrane repair. It produces and metabolizes neurotransmitters to regulate mood. Methylation also works to neutralize toxins and hormones.
When the methylation cycle is turned “off” due to lack of proper nutrients or genetic variants, a number of important molecules cannot be produced, including glutathione, CoQ10, epinephrine, melatonin, and serotonin – important hormones and antioxidants.
Common symptoms of Methylation defects include:
Poor Sleep
Gut Issues
Weight Gain
Brain Fog
Thyroid Problems
High Blood Pressue
Bad Temper
... and so much more!
Additionally, defects in the Methylation cycle have been associated with many clinical conditions including, but not limited to cancer, autism, congenital and neural tube defects, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, and schizophrenia.
With the results of your Methylation Panel, Pinnacle's medical team can help tailor a personalized and custom protocol to help target your nutrient deficiencies. We source pre-methylated nutrients like Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Folic Acid), Glutathione, CoQ10, Carnitine, Taurine, and other vital molecules produced by the methylation cycle to help target deficiencies and relieve symptoms.

We couldn't have made the process any easier if we wanted to!
After speaking with one of our patient care coordinators, a Methylation Panel Test Kit will be ordered and mailed directly to your home. Then, using only a buccal swab of the mouth, you collect a DNA sample and follow the collection directions included in the kit. After completion, you mail the kit back and wait for the analysis results! Yes, it really is that easy!
Once the full panel results are received, your patient care coordinator will schedule a date and time with you to completely and thoroughly review them. Additionally, our team will work with you to develop a custom plan and protocol based on your results. Because no two people's DNA is the same, every protocol is unique to YOU!
If you are ready to take the next step in your health and wellness journey, click the button below to get started! Stop living in a deficient state! Allow us to help you optimize your body and help you to RECLAIM YOUR PRIME!!